Train Your Brian EXPRESS


Our 3 sessions

Human archetypes

In this workshop, we will teach you how to find common patterns and models in human behavior and thinking, in order to segment and better understand your customer and know how to communicate with them correctly.

Decision making matrix

You will learn to use a project management tool that is used to help evaluate and compare options before making a decision. Depending on the pros and cons of each alternative, a more informed decision can be made, therefore a better decision.

The practice of happiness

We teach you how to program your brain to be happier by learning to create habits that help you feel happiness every day of your life.

We help integrate behavioral science
into your innovation system

With our toolkit + training program to make innovation more human and fun


Behavioral Insights

Understand and segment your customer better

This training will help you:

  • Find patterns in customer behavior.
  • Recognize key mental processes.
  • Identify contextual influences.

And allow you to:

  • Segment and understand your clients.
  • Do more customer-centric innovation.


Decision Making Matrix

Avoiding bias in your business decisions

This training will help you:

  • Evaluate and compare ideas.
  • Estimate impact of different options.
  • Decide on the best available data.

And allow you to:

  • Improve your decision process.
  • Identify the most common biases.


The Practice of Happiness

Have more happy moments every day

This training will help you:

  • See happiness as a practice.
  • Reflect about what makes us happy.
  • Learn about and leverage habits.

And allow you to:

  • Live more happy moments every day.
  • Have greater life satisfaction.

600 B St., Suite 300 San Diego, CA, 92101

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Train Your Brian EXPRESS